Friday, June 18, 2010

Beijing to Zhuhai (Macau)

I'm sorry I haven't been updating much. It's been difficult to get onto the internet and even to have time to write anything! I'll be trying to keep things more up to date here as well as to add some posts about what has happened. I'm going to try to back-date them to keep things in order, so keep an eye out for them.Yesterday, I left Beijing at about 2:30 on a flight that was supposed to leave at 8:20. That was fun.First impressions: The plane flew in over a large crab fishery, I think and the airstrip was surrounded by water, farmland, and small shacks. The trip from the airport showed a mixture of relatively shabby-looking houses, piles of rubble, and skyscrapers under construction. The city has the appearance of a rural area that is rapidly being re-created into a business center and suburb of Macau. Closer to the center, the transformation seems pretty much complete. The air in Zhuhai is much cleaner than the air in Beijing, but It's hard to be worse. Instead, here it's hotter and extremely humid. Also, lots of mosquitoes.The plan for today is to get into Macau (which involves passing through immigration every time) ,have a look around, and eat lots of food. For those who don't know, Macau is a former Portugese colony that only recently (1999, I think) was returned to the Chinese, so it should have a very interesting blend of the two cultures.

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